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LAMP Stack

GiangDDT developer


LAMP stack stands for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP

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B2BE Web Portal

I’d been at B2BE GSS Vietnam, part of B2BE Ltd, an Australian company founded in 1994. Web Portal is one of its major focuses for digital transformation era.

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Framework: CodeIgniter

Accounts Payable

Accounts payable (AP) are amounts due to vendors or suppliers for goods or services received that have not yet been paid for. The sum of all outstanding amounts owed to vendors is shown as the accounts payable balance on the company’s balance sheet. (source: investopedia)

B2BE Accounts Payable automation solution helps user work with 10,000+ invoices a day with acceptable, configurable rules, reduce the required labour for this time-consuming task.

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Web Trader

B2BE Web Trader solution is a generic user-friendly supplier solution for exchanging electronic business documents between client and suppliers. Helps client save upto 40% total building and operation cost. The solution includes self-managed supplier on-boarding, electronic document form builder, client-specific customization.


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A Web Portal for KORENS, a Korean company, used internally. Contributor: Nguyễn Trọng Du

Framework: CodeIgniter

Nhập hàng thương mại

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Nhập hàng thương mại is a commercial import service to help buyer purchase Chinese-origin product. Monthly visitors are about 31,000.

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Framework: Laravel