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Choosing Technology Stack for your Web App Development

GiangDDT developer


There are plenty of technology stacks to choose. Each one of them has its own pros and cons. How should one choose what to use?

Overcome the impasse

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Scoping in details

You need to focus on the main points:

  1. What do you want to achieve?
  2. Is there any particularity/specification you need to acquire? For example, needs to use Selenium. This leads to a limited selection because the programming languages supported by the Selenium WebDriver are Java, Python, Ruby, C#, JavaScript, Perl, and PHP.
  3. What database suits you best? SQL, or NoSQL? Open-source or commercial?
  4. Webserver: Both NGINX and Apache are common choice. You should check out the full list here. However, remember that programming language and framework often have its favourite webserver, such as ASP.NET loves IIS.
  5. Development time: if time is tight, you should consider choosing ready-made solutions or framework.
  6. Is scalability a must? If your answer is yes, then future-proof or newer tech is a big factor.
  7. Development Cost: you should consider your team, skill, time, area of expertise to choose the most suitable stack.