lepp-stack (4)

Linux - NGINX - PostgreSQL - Python

Python 3.10 match-case (switch)

Intro Python 3.10 offers many new cool things (check out official website). One of my favourites is match-case, equivalent to our familiar switch-case. If-else needs variable to be used in the condition repeatedly, makes code longer than necessary. Furthermore, you should NOT use if-else with…

By GiangDDT

Linux Cheatsheet

List services $ sudo service --status-all Search for top 20 largest files $ sudo du -a /dir/ | sort -n -r | head -n 20 View disk usage $ df -H Check running ports $ sudo netstat -plnt System log by service $ journalctl --unit=[service_name]…

By GiangDDT

Django Cheatsheet

Django command list Reset django migrations command: reset_migrations param: app_name (main | auth | etc) $ python manage.py reset_migrations main Create django migrations command: makemigrations $ python manage.py makemigrations Execute django migrations command: migrate param (optional): app_name (main | auth | etc) $ python manage.py…

By GiangDDT

LEPP Stack

Intro LEPP stands for Linux - NGINX (pronounce as engine-x) - PostgreSQL - Python Automation Webapp for Real Estate Agent/Sales, aim to reduce time spent on daily chore (advertisement posting), and provide more added value for customer’s job.

By GiangDDT