lamp-stack (4)

Linux - Apache - MySQL/MariaDB - PHP

Ubuntu Optimized LAMP on AWS

Set up EC2 Server Step Detail Note 1 Start instance AMI 2 Set necessary firewall rule per use-case Set up Linux Ubuntu, require FTP, SSH connection Step Detail Note 1 Go to SSH 2 Secure MySQL: mysql_secure_installation Link 3 Create and grant user’s privileges: -…

By GiangDDT

Linux Cheatsheet

List services $ sudo service --status-all Search for top 20 largest files $ sudo du -a /dir/ | sort -n -r | head -n 20 View disk usage $ df -H Check running ports $ sudo netstat -plnt System log by service $ journalctl --unit=[service_name]…

By GiangDDT

LAMP Cheatsheet

Django command list Check PHP Memcached workthread $ sudo watch -td '(echo stats ; echo quit) | nc 11211 ' Restart Apache host $ sudo service httpd restart Restart MySQL $ sudo service mysqld restart Change all folders in directory to permission 775 $…

By GiangDDT

LAMP Stack

Intro LAMP stack stands for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP I’d been at B2BE GSS Vietnam, part of B2BE Ltd, an Australian company founded in 1994. Web Portal is one of its major focuses for digital transformation era. Framework: CodeIgniter Accounts payable (AP) are amounts due to vendors or…

By GiangDDT