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Python 3.10 match-case (switch)

Intro Python 3.10 offers many new cool things (check out official website). One of my favourites is match-case, equivalent to our familiar switch-case. If-else needs variable to be used in the condition repeatedly, makes code longer than necessary. Furthermore, you should NOT use if-else with…

By GiangDDT

Choosing Technology Stack for your Web App Development

Question There are plenty of technology stacks to choose. Each one of them has its own pros and cons. How should one choose what to use? You need to focus on the main points: What do you want to achieve? Is there any particularity/specification you…

By GiangDDT

Ubuntu Optimized LAMP on AWS

Set up EC2 Server Step Detail Note 1 Start instance AMI 2 Set necessary firewall rule per use-case Set up Linux Ubuntu, require FTP, SSH connection Step Detail Note 1 Go to SSH 2 Secure MySQL: mysql_secure_installation Link 3 Create and grant user’s privileges: -…

By GiangDDT

Linux Cheatsheet

List services $ sudo service --status-all Search for top 20 largest files $ sudo du -a /dir/ | sort -n -r | head -n 20 View disk usage $ df -H Check running ports $ sudo netstat -plnt System log by service $ journalctl --unit=[service_name]…

By GiangDDT

LAMP Cheatsheet

Django command list Check PHP Memcached workthread $ sudo watch -td '(echo stats ; echo quit) | nc 11211 ' Restart Apache host $ sudo service httpd restart Restart MySQL $ sudo service mysqld restart Change all folders in directory to permission 775 $…

By GiangDDT

Django Cheatsheet

Django command list Reset django migrations command: reset_migrations param: app_name (main | auth | etc) $ python reset_migrations main Create django migrations command: makemigrations $ python makemigrations Execute django migrations command: migrate param (optional): app_name (main | auth | etc) $ python…

By GiangDDT

LEPP Stack

Intro LEPP stands for Linux - NGINX (pronounce as engine-x) - PostgreSQL - Python Automation Webapp for Real Estate Agent/Sales, aim to reduce time spent on daily chore (advertisement posting), and provide more added value for customer’s job.

By GiangDDT

LAMP Stack

Intro LAMP stack stands for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP I’d been at B2BE GSS Vietnam, part of B2BE Ltd, an Australian company founded in 1994. Web Portal is one of its major focuses for digital transformation era. Framework: CodeIgniter Accounts payable (AP) are amounts due to vendors or…

By GiangDDT

Start-up: How to reduce cost?

Definition The term startup refers to a company in the first stages of operations. Startups are founded by one or more entrepreneurs who want to develop a product or service for which they believe there is demand. (source: investopedia) All companies want to reduce as…

By GiangDDT